Now this is something that most FC owners can relate to. The quick fix guy would smear some Bondo over the offending areas, take a board sander to it and we’re good to go but that way ALWAYS comes back to haunt you. This will be addressed in a fashion where the “Tin Worms” will be gone forever.
The decision was made to be sure to remove any questionable metal to be sure rust was under control. Kevin uses a cut off wheel to remove the metal and has access to metal forming tools to help create the patch panels needed for the job.
More rust to deal with along the inner panel. Better safe than sorry.
Here’s the questionable metal on the inner panel.
The whole inner framework is cleaned up and treated to prevent further outbreaks.
Here’s the section of outer skin that needed replacement. Kevin is very methodical but keeps the project moving along at a brisk pace. In no time all four door will be ready to be rehung on the cab. Stay tuned…. Patch panel install is right around the corner!